Trail cameras

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Trail cameras

Postby Al in Mi » Mon Nov 27, 2017 7:44 pm

After 1000's of pics, my bushnell trophy cam gave up the ghost. Looking to see what you guys are using and what to stay away from.
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Re: Trail cameras

Postby Texas Sheepdawg » Mon Nov 27, 2017 9:30 pm

Still using my spypoint but looking at one of these. This dealer is a friend and a local here in Texas. ... ra-verizon
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Re: Trail cameras

Postby plant_one » Mon Nov 27, 2017 10:08 pm

we've got a wildgame innovations and a moultrie gamespy i-90

i cant remember what model the wildgame innovations one is. both were around the $150 price point a couple years ago.

the moultrie wins hands down. much nicer camera for photo quality - especially shutter speed at night and trigger distance (we got the neighbor's truck at around 90 yds driving down the property line trail we share)

however the WGI wins for battery life - but thats the only area it wins in.
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Re: Trail cameras

Postby Al in Mi » Wed Nov 29, 2017 5:17 am

anybody using the Browning's?
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Re: Trail cameras

Postby Korhonen » Sat Sep 15, 2018 4:41 am

A friend of mine is using a Browning Recon Force Advantage. It works fine I suppose. Never heard anything to the contrary.
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Re: Trail cameras

Postby JulietLisbon » Wed Mar 15, 2023 6:35 am

Using the brownings currently. Any problem with that?
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Re: Trail cameras

Postby Al in Mi » Thu Mar 16, 2023 2:28 am

started using the Garde Pro ES-5 last summer, have 6 now, so far so good. Next step gonna be a cellular one this summer.
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Re: Trail cameras

Postby coyote wacker » Thu Mar 16, 2023 10:08 am

I have used cameras since they came out $1000 of dollars have been spent and used always following to the next generation to have the best . Now with how we use are cell phones for just about everything I jumped on trail cameras that take a picture and send it to your phone rather right away or when you want them. After trying several brands I settled on Spypoint I run 20 cameras and they are the best that I have used. Only have had one camera that went from taking 2 photos per event to one. I run 6 just around the house for surveillance for 2 legged predators getting pictures in less than a minute. Other than 2 occasions were the police were called all of the other pictures are of wildlife.

Great thing about Spypoint is if you think that you're going to take less than 100 picture a month theres no charge. That's what I use for security around the house, cameras at a bear bait its easy to get several hundred a month. On a deer runway a hundred pictures is plenty in the UP.
May cameras are in the field 24-7-365 day a year they never get a brake and are alway ready to take a picture. Batteries are usually replaces before it turns winter and get cold then replace in the spring, cold winter weather is hard on batteries.

As long as a cell phone will work Spypoint cameras will also. In one spot on the property I would get a very low signal....I went and bought an antenna with 15' of coaxial cable that replaced the antenna on the camera and put it up in the tree. Getting the antenna up in the tree increased the signal from 1 bar to 3 bars also needed one in back of the barn the metal pole barn blocked the signal.
Spypoint sells an antenna they were $80 I found the exact same one on Ebay for $20 shipped.....
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