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open case mouth with expander die

PostPosted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 3:55 pm
by gsrious
I'll be using 275g barnes xpb .451" bullet

Do you expand the case mouth for this after resizing?

Re: open case mouth with expander die

PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 8:07 am
by Hoot
gsrious wrote:I'll be using 275g barnes xpb .451" bullet

Do you expand the case mouth for this after resizing?

Welcome aboard me hardy!

My experience has been that if at all possible, do not use the expander. Brass is ductile, but you'll get better results not using it.
Looking back, I used it the first time or two, then experimented with not using it and decided that was the way to go. You just need to hold the bullet as square as possible until the seating guide steadies it during the ram up=stroke. You Do need to make sure there is no burr on the inside of the mouth. After the first shot, you rarely if ever need to de-burr them since you rarely if ever need to trim them, given that the cases shrink as opposed to grow.
