Obama Overridden by Military and Intel Officials....

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Obama Overridden by Military and Intel Officials....

Postby Texas Sheepdawg » Thu May 19, 2011 9:51 am

YES, HERE I GO AGAIN. I can't find many intellectual wits to phylosophize with at work, as they
have been too worried about American Idol and NASCAR or how much alcohol to take fishing. :roll:
So that leaves me with my good friends here on the Thumper Network....(or Face Book). And since most of the guys
at work are on Facebook too, well.....Let's just let all that go for now. (And if you guys at work happen to be
spying on me here and you read this and get all :x huffy, just remember when you throw a rock at a pack of dogs,
hit dog barks first. Maybe some of you should taper off. This conversation requires clear thought. :idea: )

Sometimes you hear me say "watch the other hand". Well check this out.
Go and read this article. Then come back and follow me as I stroll through this mine field.
At the end of this trail, if you take great issue with what I have posted, talk to the man
in the mirror. It is gut check time. Remember, I am not here to discuss my Christian beliefs and I am
not here with the intention of converting anyone and I do not need to know your religious beliefs. This
is a probing look at obama, his BLATANT Muslim background contrasting his very weak
claim that he is a Christian and how this issue may have had a direct impact on the
osama bin laden strike and the safety of our Troops. The events outlined in the article are what
I want to discuss. But I have to lay down my theory and I could not do that without bring Obamas'
religious claims of being a Muslim and a Christian both. As we kick this around, it is obama and these
other political power players that I wish to discuss. It is not a place to be thumping each other over the
head with a 20 pound Schofield Bible. :mrgreen:

That being said, let's begin.

Start with this article. Read it then come back here.

:arrow: http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2011/05/skulking-towards-bin-laden-obama-overridden-by-military-and-intel-officials-in-takeout-of-obl.html

What is this?
Could this be true?
This Story in any form or scenerio presents grave issues.

I'm trying to plot out the scenerios and the many ways they could have played out
and so far, I have come to the realization that I am looking at this through 4 different lenses.
But there may be even more. That's where you guys might see something that I don't.

#1 This administration is fraught with leaks and this account is very accurate. In that event, this is extremely troubling. :o

#2 The event described is accurately laid out and deliberately leaked to give Hillary a feather in her campaigne for a 2012 run against obama. :|

#3 The events described are either accurate or a bit skewered, yet in either case, nothing more than propaganda aimed at Muslim radicals to signal that obama tried to have the mission aborted, therefore he should not be blamed or targeted for reprisal. :evil:
Remember this?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQqIpdBO ... ata_player
Or this?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCAffMSW ... ata_player
What is with this "Christian"?
What about this?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hi-V_ilJ ... ata_player
Hey! Don't get mad at me. This is obama IN HIS OWN WORDS.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rEHCCQP ... ata_player

Do you STILL believe obama is a Christian? Is there ANY chance obama did not want
to kill osama and the SIXTEEN HOUR stall was in hopes it would leak out to osama and
when the GIG went down in flames and disaster, it would have put Hillary and Panetta in the frying pan?
Questions beget more disturbing questions.

These next few links are strictly to point out why We Christians do not believe that
obama is a Christian. It is not an attempt to shove a Bible down your throat. If you
prefer to skip this, that is fine. But if you decide to watch these video clips, Do not
have a knee jerk reaction that I am pushing my beliefs upon you. That is not what
this is about. This is a search for the truth behind why obama might have tried to
abort delay or stall the attack on the bin laden compound.
That being said, please
don't whine to a moderator because you got your feelings hurt. You have been advised.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4cMB8kt ... ata_player

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHlelAui ... ata_player

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzpvlY9B ... ata_player

#4 The story in it's entirety is extremely deceptive and an intentional "Tactical Misdirection". :? :? :? :?
Something to take our attention off the other hand. This administration PROMISED transparency. Is this their definition of transparency? Something is extremely rotten in the minds of our country's leaders. We need to pay better attention to the red flags and warning signs and stop Trusting the lame stream media.
All of these scenerios are extremely disturbing and I am still trying to make sense of any other explanations but I am running out of logical (though deeply disturbing) angles.

PS Isn't it ironic how scenerio # 3 seems to have a huge amount of self incriminating evidence?
Last edited by Texas Sheepdawg on Fri May 20, 2011 12:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Obama Overridden by Military and Intel Officials....

Postby BillytheKid » Thu May 19, 2011 3:32 pm

And just today, I hear the leaked information that our beloved Navy Seals brought back name and phone number info of lots of Al Qaeda members.

Why is this being reported? So that our current administration can warn Al Qaeda to ditch their phones and take on new names?

Just wondering out loud here.
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Re: Obama Overridden by Military and Intel Officials....

Postby Texas Sheepdawg » Thu May 19, 2011 4:59 pm

Also today, obama is instructing Israel to bring back borders to PRE 1967 levels....
Who's side is obama on?
Or, as I have already pointed out, is this yet another Tactical Misdirection, an attempt
at muckraking so as to feed and distract the world while he continues in his destructive
agenda? This president is rapidly becoming a clear and present danger to the country he
is supposed to be protecting.
-Texas Sheepdawg

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Re: Obama Overridden by Military and Intel Officials....

Postby Ghost Dog » Thu May 19, 2011 7:27 pm

Bill, two thoughts come to mind on the phone numbers:

1. If I were a member of OBL's group and new he was captured/killed do really think I wouldn't relocate and change all ways of
communicating with other members? These are not dumb men, if the USA found OBL, where am I on that list? Time to get out of
Dodge err Pakistan.

2. What better way to disrupt the group, you and I communicate through this forum, all of a sudden we know the CIA is on to us, it's going
to be very hard for us to form new lines of communications.

If you noticed in number one I said captured/killed, this is my own conspiracy theory - We captured the sob and he's at Gitmo right now, and the
CIA has reached a whole new level on how to water board. We have pictures, but won't release them - classic miss direction.
We burried him at see, Muslim custom,buried within 24 hours of death, you know. Don't have to produce a body if we say he's been deep sixed.

I'll throw another one out - The high ups in Pakistan new OBL was there and had his back. Why do I say this, me being just your average smuck
with no military training or high level insight? I'm the most wanted man in the world, what 25 million on my head? And I'm just sitting in my compound, no security, the place is not rigged with explosives, I don't even have a weapon in my bedroom (as far as we know).
Why? Because I'm secure in the fact that I'm safe, some one has my back and will worn me. I have a money and phone numbers sewn into my
clothes because I'll be warned and have time to flee. I'm not ready for my last fight, because it won't be here.
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Re: Obama Overridden by Military and Intel Officials....

Postby Texas Sheepdawg » Thu May 19, 2011 8:06 pm

About the burial at sea. I really don't think that should have happened... if it happened at all.
That had to be a directive from a "muslim" friendly person in charge.
Which brings us back to my point about obama. Would any other president
have been THAT sensitive to muslim traditions? I don't think so.
Only a person who was sympathetic to muslims or a person with a
guilty conscience would entertain such a stupid idea. Just as this same person
would be instructing Israel to go back to PRE 1967 borders with Pakistan.
Obama IS a muslim. Don't be hypnotized by the illusions. I hope our CIA and FBI
are able to keep a close eye on this jerk and be prepared to step in should obama
try to sell our whole country down the river. Good points Ghost Dog.
-Texas Sheepdawg

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Re: Obama Overridden by Military and Intel Officials....

Postby MOUNTIN DU » Fri May 20, 2011 5:18 pm

:? ...that's what i've been tellin' people ever since i watched this unfold. :| i think he's either at gitmo as stated or the whole thing is a hoax to get re-elected. :x i wouldn't be surprised to see obl on a video soon denying that got him. :roll: it surprises me at how many suckers out there are givin' obama the credit for the kill order if it exists at all :evil:
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Re: Obama Overridden by Military and Intel Officials....

Postby BillytheKid » Fri May 20, 2011 6:06 pm

Ghostdog, I hear what you're saying, but I don't quite agree.

Obviously those near OBL would ditch their phones and change their names. But what was reported is that we obtained a very high amount of names and phone numbers. That means people who could otherwise might think they are safe, now know they are being watched.

We might have learned even more from them, had the current administration not leaked what we have.

Agree or disagree in this issue, we are on the same side.
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Re: Obama Overridden by Military and Intel Officials....

Postby Ghost Dog » Fri May 20, 2011 9:09 pm

Bill, your concerns tie in with Dogs #03 - warn our fellow Muslim brothers the CIA has your info.

Dogs and your posts have me thinking alot. They can keep a stealth chopper under wraps, but leak phone numbers. They were able to keep the whole operation under wraps till it happened, but Dogs whole story is leaked. Like I tell them at work, "I'll gladly play the game, but what game are we playing today?"

I read in another post both you and dog are divorced, sorry to here that. Now if either of you need me to hook you up, I know some really
friendly chicken :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Dog, maybe I do need that intervention. :oops: :oops: :oops:
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Re: Obama Overridden by Military and Intel Officials....

Postby Texas Sheepdawg » Fri May 20, 2011 9:18 pm

My playbook would have gone like this. I would have given the go immediately and not permitted 16 hours of time to lapse giving obl a chance to have word leaked to him. After the strike, I would have sat on the news to give the CIA a few days to gather intelligence and would have waited for my CIA folks to give me the okay to release the news. Meanwhile, I would have the corpse put on ice and shipped back to the US and kept at an undisclosed location for DNA confirmation.
Once everything was confirmed and the CIA had been given time to tap and monitor phone chatter, other terrorist locations etc., I would order a second strike on those targets. Then i would have the body flown out to an undisclosed ocean and video tape the send off to the deep unknown. Then I would release the video, postmortem info and DNA info and photos on a public website and lastly to the news media.
But what do I know? I'm just a smelly old fire fighter.
-Texas Sheepdawg

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Re: Obama Overridden by Military and Intel Officials....

Postby BD1 » Sat May 21, 2011 7:21 am

Unattributed quotes are worth exactly what you paid for them. After reading this article the only conclusion to be drawn is that the blogger would like us to believe that the scenario presented is factual, whether it is or not.

We will never have any idea of how the decision to take out OBL truly occurred unless one of the principle participants who was "in the room" goes on the record, or tape recordings of the process are made public. I personally have my doubts that anyone in the process sent a Seal team into a sovereign foreign nation without covering their arse seven different ways. These are career politicos. They never, ever stick their necks out like that. However the decision was reached, you can be certain that before the green light went on a consensus was reached.

OBL was taken out while Obama was in office. By the rules of the game as played in Washington DC, (by both sides), POTUS gets to claim some credit. The idea that either GWB or BO are directly responsible, or that it can be demonstrated that torture did or did not contribute, is BS. Osama Bin Ladin was taken out after 10 years of hard work by a large group of folks in a variety of roles. It's American grit and determination that fed him to the fishes. And that's not something you're going to find in our DC public officials on either side of the Isle these days.

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