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new york gun confiscation

PostPosted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 9:54 pm
by helidude350
found a link to today.
new yuck is already confiscating firearms. :twisted:
today is the first i had heard that it was actually happening.
i think it started april first.
Im wondering why i hadnt gotten that information before now.

sorry im not able to post the link

Re: new york gun confiscation

PostPosted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 3:38 pm
by Hoot
Do you mean the article from April 8 Link Here ?

...snip..."Those folks having their weapons and FID cards confiscated have been discovered to have been prescribed multiple different types of psychotropic drugs, such as those for Depression or Anxiety. These are known as SSRI ( Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) class drugs and have the potential to cause serious and adverse side effects"...snip... It's a long article.

Forgive my callousness toward the mentally ill, but I do not have a problem with that. Yes, I know it is biased, but I'll take the same medicine I'm dishing out. If I'm ever diagnosed with having a mental condition that requires me to take psychotropic drugs to keep me on an even keel, please take my guns away from me. I'll find something else to do with my spare time.


Re: new york gun confiscation

PostPosted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 8:58 pm
by Nosparks
+1 to Hoot.

These are rough waters gun rights are traveling through these days. And depending on which media outlet or entertainment personalities you watch or listen to, we have and have not lost the second amendment. For now I take all things with a grain of salt, a very very OPEN mind and eye!!!

Re: new york gun confiscation

PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 11:01 am
by Ghost Dog
Some thing you guys might not be aware of, anti-depressants can be used for purposes other than depression.
A long time ago I was prescribed Amitriptyline. In small doses it helps with nerve pain, my spine is arthritic with multiple
degenerated discs. Bottom line it didn't help me, but I would hate for them to take my guns simply because I took
a drug. And if I had depression would I be hanging with a group like all of you? (maybe a little insanity but not depression)
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: new york gun confiscation

PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 1:57 pm
by helidude350
some nice bs they feed you.
prohibition didnt work.
the war on drugs isnt working. Its just more politically correct.
Its dangerous legal(?) precedence.
First blame mentally ill.
Then you took drug X so you can no longer have a gun. Doesnet matter that it was 20 years ago it was presribeded and you never filled the script. its on paper.
so like " obama care", people that have no medical back ground make the decision.
So just add to the list of anti-gun meds as convenient.
just before our troops are discharged, prescribe (or give without soldiers knowledge) which ever drug , then on discharge, no longer have gun rights
through public health system, prescribe everyone pill X, no gun control needed

whats that quote about they came for the guy with whatever, but it wasnt me so i didnt care
then they came for me and nobody could help me ? :(

Re: new york gun confiscation

PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 2:14 pm
by helidude350
how many other ways have the powers that be kept us safe?
daytime running lights everybody drives around in the dark with no tail lights
anti lock brake/ anti roll over technology my 2010 jeep tried to kill me
texas department of public safety/ transportation i cant even get someone to replace a stop sign ( including contacting the governor)
affordable apartment ( i would pay full rent) so i can pay off some debt and recover from divorce, hurricane, stupid decisions ( mine and others) , no , i make too much$$$. we rent to people that the gov. pays thier rent

thanks to kalifornia epa crap, all cars have extra junk ( see $$$$) thats not needed, gas pumps spill more fuel, you cant fill your car, hell, i cant even find a decent gas can without one of those stupid "green" spouts

the list goes on

they dont take away children or drivers licence for these drugs

wait til that starts

can you say fema youth camps

New York is just wrong

Re: new york gun confiscation

PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 7:17 pm
:shock: just wait until that HIGH profile shooting in Florida comes to a conclusion. :roll: that case has NOTHING to do with an "innocent" black kid being shot to death. :| how many kids get shot every day in the streets of Chicago, Philly, New Orleans, Atlanta, Detroit, etc. and the media doesn't even blink an eye. it's not about black, white, brown, or any other racial shooting. wake up people :evil:

:x make no mistake about it :x this case is about a self-defense shooting, by a lawful gun owner in a concealed carry state. the media has chosen this case to set a PRECEDENCE for all future self-defense shootings every where... especially by lawful gun owners and concealed carry persons. this case is bigger than it appears at the surface. :twisted: the agenda is to turn the tables on us using any tear jerking case they can publicize, making lawful gun owners out to be the criminals! Wake up and see this for what it really is! :!: :x

Re: new york gun confiscation

PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 8:38 pm
by Nosparks
:shock: just wait until that HIGH profile shooting in Florida comes to a conclusion. :roll: that case has NOTHING to do with an "innocent" black kid being shot to death. :| how many kids get shot every day in the streets of Chicago, Philly, New Orleans, Atlanta, Detroit, etc. and the media doesn't even blink an eye. it's not about black, white, brown, or any other racial shooting. wake up people :evil:

:x make no mistake about it :x this case is about a self-defense shooting, by a lawful gun owner in a concealed carry state. the media has chosen this case to set a PRECEDENCE for all future self-defense shootings every where... especially by lawful gun owners and concealed carry persons. this case is bigger than it appears at the surface. :twisted: the agenda is to turn the tables on us using any tear jerking case they can publicize, making lawful gun owners out to be the criminals! Wake up and see this for what it really is! :!: :x

The reason this became so high profile was cause of the circumstances. He wasn't in his home or car, he followed a guy when he had been told not to by the Police and by the officer who helped him organize the neighborhood watch. Plus to my knowledge there are no actual witnesses to the shooting act. The law which he is "protected" by is very vague, leaving enough grey room for the shitty news organizations in Florida to exploit. Another thing is they reported Zimmerman as a "white" male and not a "Hispanic" male, due to his name. And to top all of that off it happened during the height of this b.s. gun debate. He is most likely innocent, I can not judge him nor will I.
I am a lawful gun owner and will not give up my guns no matter what. Some things need to change and it needs to start with the people who are causing the violence not the guns. We all know that, but how do you change the habits of a few with out disrupting the habits of the many? How do you stop one idiot hidden in the millions? Gun confiscation is not the answer criminals will still find them, they still find heroine! The answer will not be simple it will not favor us (gun owners) and it will only slow the problem for a short time.
I personally think they should legalize gambling, all illegal drugs and narcotics, and prostitution in all 50 states. Then the gangs, mob and US government will have no laws to write or break except immigration!

Re: new york gun confiscation

PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 10:33 pm
by Jim in Houston
Nosparks wrote:
:shock: just wait until that HIGH profile shooting in Florida comes to a conclusion. :roll: that case has NOTHING to do with an "innocent" black kid being shot to death. :| how many kids get shot every day in the streets of Chicago, Philly, New Orleans, Atlanta, Detroit, etc. and the media doesn't even blink an eye. it's not about black, white, brown, or any other racial shooting. wake up people :evil:

:x make no mistake about it :x this case is about a self-defense shooting, by a lawful gun owner in a concealed carry state. . .

This case is about race. The press and the politicians picked it up because they mistakenly assumed it was a white on black crime. By the time they realized Zimmerman was Hispanic, they were in too deep. The press even coined the new racial category "white Hispanic" to continue to justify their initial position. It wouldn't have mattered if it was clearly self defense or not, or if Zimmerman had defended himself with a hammer or a rock. Afterall, the police interviewed Zimmerman and let him go. He was only re arrested when the media and politicians got out the torches and pitchforks. Had Zimmerman been black, this case wouldn't even have made page 27 in the local newspaper.

Re: new york gun confiscation

PostPosted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 3:20 pm
:) good stuff here! :P