Update Re Facebook.

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Update Re Facebook.

Postby Texas Sheepdawg » Sat Nov 07, 2020 11:10 pm

As of 11 PM, this date, I have deactivated my Facebook account until further notice.
-Texas Sheepdawg

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Re: Update Re Facebook.

Postby MOOSE EARS » Sun Nov 08, 2020 7:15 am

I deactivated my account 5 years ago and haven't missed it. And especially now since they have become promoters of the coup against America!
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Re: Update Re Facebook.

Postby Hoot » Sun Nov 08, 2020 10:09 am

So, you watched "The Social Dilemma' on Netflix or what? ;)

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Re: Update Re Facebook.

Postby offrink » Sun Nov 08, 2020 7:41 pm

Never had a my space, facebook, instagram or twitter account. If I didn’t keep talking to people I went to elementary, middle, high school or college than you can probably guess I don’t want to talk to you about your dumb car dress up for Halloween.
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Re: Update Re Facebook.

Postby MOOSE EARS » Sun Nov 08, 2020 7:43 pm

No I haven't watched that. Just felt like it was gathering my data for ulterior motives
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Re: Update Re Facebook.

Postby plant_one » Mon Nov 09, 2020 5:57 pm

the kicker is... if we all just bail on FB to give them the finger - which sounds like a great idea at first - they actually win...

wait what? thats right... they'd love NOTHIGN more than for all of us freedom loving folks to just leave so they can do whatever the heck they want.

i'm all for getting on other platforms, but to ceede our space on one of the largest platforms on the world isnt helping our cause. only theirs

we need to be able to stay around, fight, and keep our message out there and put up a resistance or it'll just be another #twatter echo chamber.
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Re: Update Re Facebook.

Postby offrink » Tue Nov 10, 2020 7:35 am

When you make an account you sign on for them to collect any data they want from what you look at and put on their service. They dictate what goes out and that is 100% legal because it is a private company and not a state or nationally owned one. No one can find info or pictures of me because I have never posted them. Anonymity is an amazing thing in this time and age.
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Re: Update Re Facebook.

Postby Texas Sheepdawg » Tue Nov 10, 2020 10:16 am

Hoot wrote:So, you watched "The Social Dilemma' on Netflix or what? ;)


Negative, Sir. I just saw the behavior take a sharp left turn into the Marxist parking lot, saw people taking sides. Saw my family divide like Moses at the Red Sea and decided I needed to bail for a while. It was surprising to see that thousands of people followed my move shortly thereafter and I’ve watched both Parler and MeWe explode with new members.
As for Facebooks future in my world, it depends on the SCOTUS ruling. If Trump gets 4 more, I will consider staying. But if Biden steals this, I will permanently delete my account and anyone there will have to find me on MeWe or Parler. I’ll keep my IG for as long as I can just for poops and giggles. My Twitter situation will remain classified as I am sort of in an underground scene there so that I can keep an eye on the adversary. Losing Facebook is gonna be a hard pill to swallow. Over a decade of sharing our lives will be wiped out if I follow through to the end. Some of you guys know me over there and I’m going to miss you. But I am on MeWe. The 450 bushmaster group here also has a group there on MeWe. It is locked down for the moment until things calm down. So if any of you have applied in the last four days and been rejected, It’s not because you answered the survey wrong, it’s because we are not taking new members at this time for security reasons. There were at least four or five guys who applied after the lockdown who successfully answered the survey and still got declined. It’s not their fault. That’s just the way it’s going to be for a while until we see if the enemy at the gate actually gets in or not. There may be some guys who bailed off of Facebook Who were on the 450 bushmaster Group There, that wanted to transfer to the MeWe group. If you guys are reading this, I’m gonna tell you right now, you’re actually better off here on the forum than you were over on Facebook. Be patient with the MeWe group situation. MeWe is getting HAMMERED with new members. We want to make the right decisions when allowing new members into the group. So there may be a new vetting process there. Maybe a change in the questionnaire will be in order. But you guys who tried to apply at MeWe over the weekend, just be patient. You can find me on Me We by the user name Texas Sheepdawg. (Captain Obvious, I know)...
I really do appreciate you guys, and I appreciate your patience. But I will say once again if you’re already here on this forum, you’re in a better place than Facebook would have ever been.
-Texas Sheepdawg

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Re: Update Re Facebook.

Postby Texas Sheepdawg » Tue Nov 10, 2020 10:25 am

And one more thing guys. And this one is going to disappoint you. It’s very likely that there will be no more gun videos on my YouTube channel for a very long time. I have a project that I want to make a YouTube video on, and I was setting it up to shoot right after the election. But I don’t think it’s a safe thing to do right now. I will give you a teaser on what it will be. I have upgraded my range to steel plates. AR 500 steel plates. I now have My pistol range that steps out to 56 yards and then I have my rifle range out to around 105 yards. I had put pictures on Facebook before I deactivated my account. Some of you may have been lucky enough to see it. I believe there’s pictures of it on my Instagram account at Texas Sheepdawg. But YouTube is getting weird like Facebook and Twitter. YouTube has not hit me with any violations yet, but then again I haven’t recorded a firearms related video in the last few years due to my health issues and insane work schedule. But now it looks like You Tube may be about to drop a hammer on firearms videos. We will just have to wait and see.
-Texas Sheepdawg

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Re: Update Re Facebook.

Postby Texas Sheepdawg » Tue Nov 10, 2020 10:44 am

plant_one wrote:the kicker is... if we all just bail on FB to give them the finger - which sounds like a great idea at first - they actually win...

wait what? thats right... they'd love NOTHIGN more than for all of us freedom loving folks to just leave so they can do whatever the heck they want.

i'm all for getting on other platforms, but to ceede our space on one of the largest platforms on the world isnt helping our cause. only theirs

we need to be able to stay around, fight, and keep our message out there and put up a resistance or it'll just be another #twatter echo chamber.

Well, in a way, you’re right and In another way there’s another perspective to consider. There’s a lot of advertising on Facebook. And some of the advertising is actually some pretty good deals. If the audience dwindles so will sales. If advertisers aren’t making money, they’re not going to buy advertising space on Facebook. Facebook loses money. Stock holders get pissed.
This is also true on Twitter and on Instagram. Currently on Instagram, and to a lesser extent on Twitter, every time I see a advertisement, I post a comment on that advertisers post declaring that “I will not be buying anything on Instagram until Instagram stops censoring its users”. The advertiser sees that. So now its hitting the pocketbooks of the advertisers. And if you hit the pocketbooks of the advertisers then the advertisers will start hitting the pocketbooks of Instagram and the same goes for Twitter and Facebook. So guys, every time you see an advertisement on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook comment that you’re not going to buy from an advertiser on that platform until the owners of that platform stop censoring their users.
This is a form of trickle down boycotting. Or maybe it should be called trickle up boycotting. Anyway it’s something that I started doing on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Another thing I do on Instagram is when I see someone advertising some thing that I am pretty sure is from China, I inquire in the comment asking where the product is made or asking “is this product made in China?” If it’s Chinese garbage, it needs to be pointed out. We need to get China out of our economy.
-Texas Sheepdawg

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