the Covid got me

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the Covid got me

Postby plant_one » Tue Dec 15, 2020 4:38 pm

ugh. what a week. well week and then some.

so i'll start at now and work backwards - i'm home from the hospital and just get to recover from the Viral Pneumonia version of Covid-19 that put me there. So things are looking up. yay :)

..... flashback...

Started feeling a little run down around the 3rd or so after several very hectic weeks of work post deer season and thanksgiving the days following. had a mild intermittent cough, but nothing you'd even think about - usuallly more when i'd get into some dusty crap or something.

By friday the 4th i was just wore out - but it had been two swamped weeks of heavy lifting (literally) and just figured i needed a break. Friday coughed up a few (tiny) flecks of blood, but that went away overnight when i turned on the humidifier. like overnight gone. typical early winter stuff.

Saturday evening the liquid brown eye hit for my birthday and i was doing everything i could to keep any liquid in me for more than about 15-20 mins. Went away after 24 ish hours, so just chalked it up as stomach flu doing to being exhausted. Its December - nobody gets the stomach flu in December eh?

by Tuesday morning - i'm hocking up raspberries. not a ton of them, but there's more red there than anything. google says possible bronchitis (but i have no real congestion - as an ex smoker i KNOW what bronch feels like) or bacterial pneumonia (not even mentioning covid). Decide that Wednesday i need to see the doc to see whats going on.

Go in, tell em what's going on, doc listens to me, says ya you sound raw, lets check an x-ray. Yup - you're all inflamed. Want a covid test? Sure why not, lets eliminate it or not. They had one of the rapid ones that still tickles your eyeballs thru your sinuses. sign me up doc, lets do it.

20 mins later they're checking my blood oxygen levels, and have me hooked up to a bottle like you'd see a old lady at the bingo hall smoking while breathing from and telling me i get to go visit the hospital for a day or so.

"no sir i'm sorry, you cant drive your truck home"
"wait what?"
"yea you need to check in like... in the next hour. you can call someone to give you a ride there to save $ on the bambulance" "Your truck can stay in the lot" "only until i can get someone here to get it out of the lot before someone steals all my f'ing tools!"

5 days later, more blood work than i wanna think about, getting woke up at all hours of the night to get poked, prodded, bp checked, oxygen checked, pulse checked (arent i on an EKG monitor?), take these pills now, here's your Remdisivir IV, IV steroids and enough vitamins to make my dad's dr's pill writing look weak.... i finally get discharged.

I'm still quarantined until at least the 21st, and wont be back to 100% capacity for who knows how long as my lungs recover from this pneumonia crap, but its at least nice to be able to take a shower (which apparently is a no-no when they have you on an EKG machine?) and sleep in my own freaking bed.

and i'm still breathing through an oxygen tube for the foreseeable short term (which they cant again tell me how long)

what a freaking nightmare

as a parting laugh from the hospital yesterday afternoon.... the nurse asks me how i feel about taking the upcoming vaccine? i had to laugh and not make fun of him as i explained i would refuse to take the vaccine since i just earned my antibodies the old fashioned way. i know he was just trying to make small talk but come on man... buy a clue lol

thankfully he realized how silly he just looked and got a chuckle too... but yea.. lol
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Re: the Covid got me

Postby Hoot » Tue Dec 15, 2020 5:25 pm

Count your blessings OM. You made out better than the third of a million americans who won't get to relate their experience to anyone, ever. As an overweight, 66 year old, who's terribly out of shape, I'm ultra-careful about getting exposed. Unfortunately, once a month our gun club has a Board of Directors meeting and being one, I'm compelled to attend in a modest sized room with a poor attempt at spacing.That was last Tuesday and when I went through the door, one third of the members were maskless! Good Grief! I looked around the room, made eye contact with a few of them and spoke out loud, "Nope!" Turned around and left. We have such a low bar to adhere to, I don't understand some folks just need to push back against it. Oh well...

I'm glad you made it out the other side. Give some plasma for those less fortunate, eh?

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Re: the Covid got me

Postby Al in Mi » Wed Dec 16, 2020 5:45 am

Glad your on the mends Plant.

My wife is a Rn and had it back in April, that's when it was doom and gloom, get your will in order, and make your arrangements. Was some extremely colorful conversations with the health dept on me getting tested which wasn't happening then, and isn't going to be happening anytime soon. same goes for the vaccine, or flu shots for that matter, not happening for this old guy.

wife probably had the worst case of the 100 or so people we personally know who've had it since. 2 week cough, 3 day fever, 3 weeks being run down, she watched her blood-ox 3 times a day but never dipped below 97%. Most others we know just lost taste and smell for a week, lil head congestion, and life went on. Work seems to have a continual rotation of about 10 people off either with it or been exposed to it. Local Wallymart was closed a couple days for a deep cleaning, schools all went virtual 3 weeks back, I don't see this magically going away anytime soon unless uncle Joe waves a magic wand and says poof, it's gone.................then I wouldn't believe him !!!!
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Re: the Covid got me

Postby plant_one » Wed Dec 16, 2020 8:59 am

i aint seen a 97% blood-ox since this whole thing got rolling. i think my best reading to date was about 96, mostly in the 92-95 range though - and thats with the tube in my nose.

this pneumonia part of it is wild stuff thats for sure

thanks for the well wishes folks :)
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Re: the Covid got me

Postby Texas Sheepdawg » Fri Jun 04, 2021 8:41 pm

I kept it kinda low key but I was officially diagnosed with the Kung Flu right before thanksgiving 2020. I didn’t have the respiratory issues to go with it but it was probably the most annoying virus I’ve ever had. And to this day, my sense of smell and taste are still screwed up. I’m glad you made it through.
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Re: the Covid got me

Postby plant_one » Sat Jun 05, 2021 8:04 pm

likewise back at you.
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