There are several reasons to live in Texas

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There are several reasons to live in Texas

Postby Jim in Houston » Thu Aug 15, 2013 6:58 pm

Thank God for Texas. And for those of you who don't live there, eat your heart out. The following is from the Texas State Rifle Association weekly email. The full text is here -

    There is no waiting period for purchasing a firearm in the state of Texas.
    If you have just moved to Texas, there is no state registration of firearms.
    If you have inherited or bought a gun from someone in Texas, there is no state registration of firearms, thus there is no requirement to transfer the firearm in your name.
    In order to purchase a firearm in Texas, you will need a valid state-issued ID.
    With a Concealed Handgun License (CHL) you may carry a pistol or revolver on your person as long as it remains concealed.
    Long guns, such as rifles and shotguns, do not have to be concealed, but must be carried in a manner not calculated to cause alarm, and do not require a license.
    You cannot strap a gun on your hip in Texas, however there are some exceptions.
    Open carry is not legal in Texas, but you may openly carry a gun on your own property, while participating in a sporting activity, such as being at a shooting range or while engaged in hunting.
    With the passage of the Motorist Protection Act, you may now readily carry handguns, loaded and within reach, so long as you conceal the firearm. Again, long guns such as rifles and shotguns, do not have to be concealed and may be loaded and within reach.
    Weapons such as machine guns, suppressors and short-barreled firearms are legal in the state of Texas. Also, Texas abides by Federal law which at this time has no restrictions on so-called "assault weapons" such as semi-automatic weapons like the AR15 rifle.
    There is no limit on the number of rounds a magazine may hold. The only limit on magazines in Texas is the number of rounds you are physically able to cram into the thing and/or carry and/or afford.
Life Member, Texas State Rifle Association; Patron LIfe Member, NRA
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Jim in Houston
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Re: There are several reasons to live in Texas

Postby helidude350 » Fri Aug 16, 2013 8:05 pm

A small list of reasons...

50bmg :mrgreen: too bad Hawaii
"Fire arm Fridays " at work ( better than "casual" Friday )
You can land a helicopter in your yard
Chickens , goats ,ducks ,bunnies in the city is normal
( there may be some ordinances saying no, but they don't mean nothing)
Mexican food
Cute mexican waitresses
Coon asses
Enough walmarts , that if you didn't find it, another is 5 minutes away
I-10 north
Pot holes
Smart cars ( we store them in pot holes, they also make a clicking noise going round in a dually pick up tire)

Texas Sheepdawg

We aren't Kalifornia , New York ......
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