Like many projects of this nature, it started out after hunting hours one night while enjoying a few beers and grousing about how tough the shooting was "up the back hill" behind the house.
here's what its looked like for a very long time - and of course the spruces have grown up to make hunting very very difficult with all the cover for the deer to sneak through

the clearing you can see at 2 0'clock there used to be a small food plot, but time has taken its toll there as well.
the plan was to remove about 60-80 of the scrub trees and open the plot up a bit.
what ended up being cleared was a bit more significant than that - everything inside all the yellow dotted area is now offically open food plot except one big white pine we left
125 yds long, about 50 yds wide for most of it, with an additional 25 yds back on the left there. Total space cleared (according to google) just about 1 ¼ acres.

with the help of a Case TV 380 skidsteer and dad's Workmaster 37 w/ a set of forks on the front arm instead of the bucket.
there were a LOT of stunted trees up there, but we also took out some LARGE spruces. that Case was pushing down trees well over 30' tall like a cat swatting a beer glass off a table!
some before photos

and some after photos

the landing area where all the trees were drug to

a little break area in the shade - temps were in the 80's all weekend

this is the tree pile, i parked our honda rancher in front of it for some reference. we paced it out well over 100' long, and as you can see the front is about 40-50' wide and rougly 12' high.

really groomed the trail up nice with all the trees being dragged over

dad picking up the drag from the field down the road so he can smooth things down after he tills the ground to read it for planting next weekend

here's a video of the clearing with everything done
we intentionally left the big monster for last so that i could record it getting toppled!
just for reference the top of cab height on this machine is 7'
not too shabby of a weekend for 13 hours of run time on the equipment and 5 warm bodies