Sunday Javalina hunt- lotsa pics, no pig.

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Sunday Javalina hunt- lotsa pics, no pig.

Postby MudBug » Thu Feb 25, 2010 11:34 pm

I know I still owe you guys my elk hunt story, so I figure I need to post this one before I forget.

First are just some pics of a cool hill I found just north or Cordes Junction on Friday.


Sunday I went out in a place I'm ashamed to say I have never been before and I was shocked at how beautiful the area was. This green little wonderland is just north of PHX . At times when driving around in the fog looking at all the green it actually reminded me of Hawaii (other than all the cactus), just the green foggy mountains.


Could these be Indian ruins? They used to be some kind of buildings.


Now these are pics of something that scared the Poo outa me.

After looking at the pics I found I needed some drawings to really relate how scary this was, and even after I found that I wasn't gonna die, I was positive that My truck was gone, there was no way to save it. Thankfully with the help of some ballsy redknecks I figured it out and me, my brother, AND my truck got out OK.

So basically I was driving up a small road that had a small section that was barely wide enough for my truck. I thought to myself that it was a bit iffy, but there was only about a 30 yard section that concerned me. Also, I didn't like my other option which was to try and back down the road I had driven up.

This is basically what the road looked like. It was kinda slick from the rain, and sloped a little bit towards a 400 foot drop off. The edge of the road had a pile of egg and softball sized rock


As I moved along the road my rear tire hit a rock that was buried in the road.


This rock, the downward slope of the road, and the mud kicked my rear tire onto the edge of the road so that it was sitting on the rocks on the edge.


At this point my brother looked out the passenger side and said "STOP!" . He told me what was happening and I thought maybe just a little gas would get me back onto the road, but nope. Instead it collapsed the pile of rock and my whole truck slid further to the edge with my rear tire actually over the edge on a pile of rock, and my front tire in the same position my rear tire was before I tried anything.

The rear tire looked like this.


and this is what my front tire looked like.


And this is basically what it looked like from the top.

Before I did anything


And after I tried to move forward.


So I got out and looked at it. I thought we were screwed.

Here are the pics of what I was looking at.

From the back.



Notice how the wheels are canted. The weight is trying to drag it over.

From the front.


And here is the drop


I called my brother. I barely had cell reception. It took me many partial calls to finally get him to understand what was happening and that I wanted him to come out so I could load my stuff into his truck. He finally understood and said he would be there in about an hour with a friend and a couple high lift jacks, some wood, tow straps, etc.

I was pretty sure that any movement of my truck would result in it just sliding further over the edge, and I knew that the road was a dead end just a few miles ahead of me so there was no way anyone could get in front to try and winch/tow me out. I also knew there was no way I could be towed out from behind.

I really felt that I would be placing a claim with my insurance company on my totaled truck, so I sat back to wait for my brother and I made some tea.


While I was waiting a couple trucks started up the road we were on. I sent my brother down to stop them. I saw one of them turn around and figure he was gonna go back down the hill, but instead the crazy bastard started backing up this little road. He tried to stay as close to the inside as possible and in fact at one point he was at so much of an angle that is right rear tire left the ground and he almost rolled over the edge himself.

He got out saying he could town me out, but I told him that there was no way it would work because if he towed me back I would just go further over the edge. He looked it over and agreed that I was truly screwed.

I thought about it for awhile and I came up with this idea.

I had him back right up to me as far inside of the road as he could, even going up the slope a bit. Then we hooked his tow strap from his hitch to mine. Like this.


This would do two things.

1.) it kind of anchors the truck from going further over the edge.

2.) If I tried to drive forward it would naturally drag my rear end back onto the road.

IT Worked! just like this.


All in all it was a good day. Starting out with some beautiful scenery and ending with some drama that I lived through.

"A coward is much more disposed to quarrels than a man of spirit." - Thomas Jefferson

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Re: Sunday Javalina hunt- lotsa pics, no pig.

Postby Al in Mi » Fri Feb 26, 2010 2:26 am

Nice story and pics..................lacking snow thou :o
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Re: Sunday Javalina hunt- lotsa pics, no pig.

Postby Colohunter » Fri Feb 26, 2010 2:42 am

An interesting story to be able to tell, but you made it home safelly, which is always the most important part.
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Re: Sunday Javalina hunt- lotsa pics, no pig.

Postby Mike » Fri Feb 26, 2010 6:26 am

Beautiful Pictures. The scenery out there in AZ is second to none. I here you guys have a coyote or to as well.
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Re: Sunday Javalina hunt- lotsa pics, no pig.

Postby wildcatter » Fri Feb 26, 2010 1:34 pm

WOW!! This is a great story and the illustrations made it all the better and your prose made me feel the drama and I loved the pictures. Thanks for the ride..t
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Re: Sunday Javalina hunt- lotsa pics, no pig.

Postby MudBug » Fri Feb 26, 2010 1:45 pm

Al in Mi wrote:Nice story and pics..................lacking snow thou :o

I'll get my elk hunt, stuck in the snow story together next.

This last hunting season has been filled with drama for me with no meat to show for.

"A coward is much more disposed to quarrels than a man of spirit." - Thomas Jefferson

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Re: Sunday Javalina hunt- lotsa pics, no pig.

Postby BD1 » Fri Feb 26, 2010 4:46 pm

Nice country, wheres the piggies? Hard to have too much fun on the edge of a cliff without snow and ice, but it looks like you found a way:)
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Re: Sunday Javalina hunt- lotsa pics, no pig.

Postby MudBug » Fri Feb 26, 2010 6:13 pm

BD1 wrote:Nice country, wheres the piggies? Hard to have too much fun on the edge of a cliff without snow and ice, but it looks like you found a way:)

I saw only 1 pig in 4 days of hunting. I saw him through a spotting scope while glassing the side of a hill. I looked away while trying to get my brother's attention and when I looked back he was gone.

Once again the weather did it's best to make my hunt fail. The week before my hunt was sunny and warm, but not too hot for hiking. The very first day of my hunt started 4 days of cold rain. Heck the last day I went out there was frozen puddles on the streets just outside of PHX, I had frozen puddles on my Tonneau Cover (soft shell) that were 1/2" thick. Javelina hate the cold. Their fur does nothing to keep them warm and they have no fur on their bellies. So they came out for very short periods of time only when they had to and I was never in the right place to see them.

"A coward is much more disposed to quarrels than a man of spirit." - Thomas Jefferson

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Re: Sunday Javalina hunt- lotsa pics, no pig.

Postby dale » Fri Feb 26, 2010 6:24 pm

hey mudbug, im up in the wht mtns, near show low.... I did some work down at Tonto Bridge state park, just out of Payson. There were HERDS of javelina crawling all over that place. groups of 20-25. they must know its a state park. but not all of it. thats your area..... fill the back of your truck with stinky piggies.....
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Re: Sunday Javalina hunt- lotsa pics, no pig.

Postby MudBug » Fri Feb 26, 2010 6:51 pm

dale wrote:hey mudbug, im up in the wht mtns, near show low.... I did some work down at Tonto Bridge state park, just out of Payson. There were HERDS of javelina crawling all over that place. groups of 20-25. they must know its a state park. but not all of it. thats your area..... fill the back of your truck with stinky piggies.....

My hunt was in Unit 21 so no luck.

most of my family is from the white mountains. Mostly around Springerville/Eager but some live it Snowflake and St. Johns.

Know any Burks or Austins?

"A coward is much more disposed to quarrels than a man of spirit." - Thomas Jefferson

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