The Point of No Return

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The Point of No Return

Postby Texas Sheepdawg » Wed Jan 30, 2013 8:08 pm

For some of you, the following commentary is likely to disturb you. But as each day passes, as I listen to the men and women who are supposed to be LEADING this country to greatness, I have just about decided that this country is being led to its final destruction and there are no leaders left that could possibly pull the USA out of the destructive tail spin it has found itself in.
That thought alone is truly disturbing and yet very few of us seem to care. We are more worried about sports or reality TV or what the celebrities are doing. Why? Seriously, why?
Why does it matter what lady Gaga is gonna do for the stupid Super Bowl? Why do we care about what Brad Pitt thinks or Bob Costas or Pierce Morgan or any other one of those drones, programmed by the Left? You are ALL HYPNOTIZED. SNAP OUT OF IT. There is only one way we could possibly recover from this destructive path. A total removal of our current political leaders as outlined in the US Constitution through legal redress and the complete change of heart and minds of those Americans who so stupidly voted in all of these communists. While the first path could be within our sights, the hearts and minds of that segment of Americans who voted those people to office are a different matter. They still would refuse to see truth and would rebel and cause riots and civil unrest..... Terrorism to try and intimidate a new leadership right back into tyranny. To overthrow a sitting government no matter who's side you're on, will NEVER be bloodless. So even during peaceful revolution, using the vote to try and self correct an out of control government, the government will always cheat lie and kill to stay in power. To keep liberty, one must be willing to die in the fight to restore liberty. And so when we look around, do we have any politicians or leaders who are true patriots? Not that I've seen. While there are potential patriots out there, I only see them in positions of the working class and private sector. And very few of those select individuals have a law degree.
So as we look and see the spiraling destruction of our country, there seems to be no way to reverse the course that we have been set upon. We have passed the "Point of no Return".
Point of no return.... I HATE that thought. But I can't see it playing out any other way, save a miracle. And it's that "Miracle man" that I will trust the least.
I don't trust my ears, I don't trust my eyes and I don't trust my emotions. Now is the time to trust in the faith that my father and mother so generously shared with me. The Holy Bible has been accurately predicting history since its Holy Inspiration.
I see no reason to put my faith in ANYONE ELSE.
NO MAN can be trusted now especially one who claims that he, himself is the answer. That's going to be the one man to fear. That's the man that will lead all of Godless humanity to the destruction it has so justly deserved.
As for me, I remain. Only for one reason. I remain under the Grace, Mercy and Forgiveness of Jesus Christ who died for us all. While I'm not perfect and I know I'm a filthy sinner, Jesus has offered forgiveness and He Alone is my anchor. So I will cling to Him and my God given rights. And if I have to fight and die for my God given rights, well then, at least I'll have something to fight for and to die free for. I cannot live free under the tyranny of any man. So I will fight. If I win, it will be through the mercy and strength through Jesus Christ.
If I die, it will be in the arms and through the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ. And I will die a free man. But I will have fought and died for the right reasons. And the murder of a patriot does not go unnoticed.
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Re: The Point of No Return

Postby commander faschisto » Wed Jan 30, 2013 9:15 pm

Amen. I'm right there with ya, brother.
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Re: The Point of No Return

Postby Texas Sheepdawg » Wed Jan 30, 2013 9:27 pm

After posting a segment of my commentary on FB, someone offered up this link. I've never seen this discussed in the media.
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Re: The Point of No Return

Postby 3rdgeargrndrr » Thu Jan 31, 2013 8:28 pm

I've been in this boat since Jan 1. Even the good ol GOP has let me down. I expected more defiance against the king. It is the fault of the American public in my eyes, as the American public are still the ones putting these guys in office. Yes we need a complete purge of our entire government at this stage to get this country back on track. I was really sorry when Santorum bowed out of the race. I knew there would only be tough times ahead. If Texas leaves the nation, Im moving there.
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Re: The Point of No Return

Postby Texas Sheepdawg » Wed Feb 06, 2013 12:00 am

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Re: The Point of No Return

Postby jerdebson » Wed Feb 06, 2013 2:29 pm

TSD, I love that one. I saved it for the future.

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Re: The Point of No Return

Postby MOUNTIN DU » Wed Feb 06, 2013 8:29 pm

:? i hope this is not our eulogy. :|
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Re: The Point of No Return

Postby Texas Sheepdawg » Wed Feb 13, 2013 7:38 pm

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Re: The Point of No Return

Postby Texas Sheepdawg » Wed Feb 13, 2013 7:51 pm

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Re: The Point of No Return

Postby Texas Sheepdawg » Wed Feb 13, 2013 8:22 pm

(I am a former [old], FireFighter/EMT/EMA agent reservist who 'retired' in 2010).
I now work for the State of Texas treating water. I am NOT incinuating or calling upon anyone to act offensively.
I am not conspiring to commit anything. If that's the way you read this, then point out the sentence that seems to be extending above and beyond free speech and free thought. I am simply asking a question because sooner or later, should things continue to spiral in the direction they seem to be heading, there will be a few million other folks asking the same questions. I LOVE MY COUNTRY. I TOOK THE OATH. I will defend her. It is IN DEFENSE of the Constitution, and The People, that these questions must be expressed. I want no harm to come to anyone. Not even our government officials. That is why I feel the need to lay out what, in my personal opinion, will transpire before our very eyes and the eyes of our children and grand children, should any attempt at firearms confiscation take place in this country. It is an hyperthetical scenerio, one possible reaction by The People to a door to door search for the purpose of weapons confiscation which is a DIRECT VIOLATION of the Constitution, Specifically, The Second Amendment. "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED".
So once again, I will simply ask...

"The burning question....
A question to pose to king obumass and all his little jesters.
"In order to confiscate guns, you will eventually have to start going door to door. It's a crystal clear fact that most of us are not going to comply. Once the timid and intimidated surrender theirs, you're going to have to escalate your little confiscation scheme up to the use of force. Sooner or later you're going to run out of sheeple and all that will remain will be The People.
The first time the invader encounters a True Patriot who has no intentions of complying, death will likely be there waiting for that Patriot as well as the Redcoat, commie bastards who kick in that first door. Once this happens, you will have opened Pandoras' Box. You will have declared war upon your own citizens. Once the word spreads out like wildfire, once The People realize that you have declared war upon The Constitution and The People themselves, once The People have had 24 hours to prepare, your scheme is going to be exposed and The People will be prepared for attack.
And as I've already pointed out, you're only gonna get maybe less than 2000 timid sheeple to turn over their arms before the MILLIONS of Patriots get wind of it and the next door that gets kicked in holds a member of the Resistance who justifiably defends his or her Constitutional Rights with lethal force.
So the question is as follows.
Who's First? What dimwitted jack booted thug is gonna be the first to knock on THAT DOOR? And what sober minded American is going to be willing to kick in the next door a week later? A month Later?
You're the coward hiding under the desk in the Oval Office under armed protection, or cowering in a Tunnel under the streets of DC. You're the coward. So it's not going to be You that's kicking in doors. You will likely be playing golf that fateful day. So who will you send? Your little obama indoctrinated inner city goons? Do you seriously crave to wallow in the tsunami of blood that you will ultimately spill? Is that going to be your legacy? Do you really want to be the one president in American History who's name will go in the same book as Stalin and Hitler and Mou and Che and Castro and all the other bloodthirsty dictators who's utopian ideals of communism and Marxism caused an ocean of bloodshed? Is that really where you want to end up in the history books? No? Then back off and tell your goons to cease and desist immediately.
However, if your dream is to go down in history as the USAs' first and bloodiest dictator, the question remains.

So who's gonna be the first to kick in that fateful door?"

-Texas Sheepdawg.
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